A lot of people suffer with back pain and other issues related to having a bad posture. Having a bad posture causes a lot of health issues that many of…
Letting your mind be filled with negative thoughts can be very damaging to your well-being, and so it is important to know how to get rid of these negative thoughts.…
Lots of people see dieting as a way to keep your body in good shape, but not many ever think about keeping their most important organ healthy, the brain. This…
Anxiety is getting the better of some of us throughout this lockdown. One way to tackle this anxiety is to practice relaxation methods and designating 10-20 mins per day to…
Fear by definition is “to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.” When we feel the feeling of fear, it is because our…
Many of us are working from home at the moment and are struggling to be productive and find motivation to work. Separating your mind from being in work mode and…
In this modern era, everyone has a mobile phone. If you walk down the street, you will see hundreds on people on their phones, and the usage continues to grow…