Many of us have heard of a helper’s high, but for those of who don’t know it is the good feeling one gets after providing help or volunteering to assist someone. To many it may come as a surprise that this is a real thing with actual science behind it as well as some benefits to our wellbeing. Humans are tribal at nature, which means we operate better as a group and this is why helping each other and being around other people feels right. When you help someone, your brain releases endorphins aka the feel-good hormone, and this hormone is what reduces stress and depression. This then lowers your blood pressure, and having a lower blood pressure reduces heart disease, kidney disease and a lower risk of having a stroke.
This shows that by helping others, you are also helping yourself both mentally and physically. You don’t have to volunteer all your time or dedicate your life to helping others, but just small things can make the difference. What may seem like a small act of kindness might not mean much for you, but to someone else it could make their day, so when presented with the opportunity to help someone, no matter how big or small, think about how much it could mean to them as well as how it can help you.